
6-11-2004: Kensington Club
w/ The Flying Douglas and The Residuals

The Ken Club welcomes us with open arms by means of an actual stage that is actually larger than our actual rehearsal room. And, actually, we take full advantage of the newfound spacey-ness by filling up all empty space with the volume of ROCK. Speaking of filling up spaces, the room itself starts to fill up a decent amount, as the early-birds who have come to see Flying Douglas arrive early and we fail to make them regret it. Curses! Special thanks to all who dare to tread past the line of know who you are.

= adam =

This was our first show where we weren't playing with my friends' bands and where we didn't know a majority of the audience. Personally, I had a blast. No noticeable screw ups, except the false start on "Breakdown" because the sound guy (a sound guy?!? Ah, to be so pampered) came up to adjust our levels. Having a stage and monitors was fabulous also, but the best part was getting to play to a bunch of people who'd never heard us, who weren't our friends, and hearing them react positively to our music anyway. I broke a pick with my fantastic bass playing and amused myself by pulling a rock move and throwing it into the audience (or rather the area where the audience would be if people came with in 10 feet of the stage). Of course most people probably just thought I was being arrogant. Even better! There was a flattering amount of hooting, hollering, and clapping upon completion of our monster rock set. I think that's a good sign. Adam's cynical however and I bet he'd say thatís because they were happy we were done and their friends' bands were up next.

The Flying Douglas were nice boys, and they had an awesome story-telling song about a lion at the San Diego zoo that I loved. I wish I could have stayed longer and saw more of The Residuals' set because I dug their alternating vocals and bass lines, but I had a volleyball tournament in the morning and needed some sleep in order to properly dominate the beach (my partner and I took second, just in case you're wondering).

Now it just remains to be seen if we'll be invited back. Certainly the staff will recommend us because of the sugary goodness they enjoyed courtesy of our tub o' Red Vines. We're not above bribery.


That was fun!