Our fourth album,Professor of Awesome, will be available at our CD Release Friday 4/23.
Our third album,Circus Opus, is out now. Come get it at our next show.
Our new cd, Hiding Something Great, is out now and is a local recommended by The Local 94/9 and M-Theory Music for the month of August. Come get it at our next show or at M-Theory for only $10.
The new video for "Streets of Danger" is finally here!
Adam has materminded another award-winning Secret Apollo video! We spent today running around San Diego shooting it. There were cars, hot babes, chases...you know, all the things that make videos great. Editing will happen in the near future, but right now we're focusing on finishing the mixes of the album.
Record, record, record. Mix, mix, mix. Hard at work, but don't expect the new album before summer =)
We like shooting videos in the dead of summer. Because it's hot. And we look sexy sweaty. Point being: we have a new video available for My Solo Album. And yes, we (well, let's be honest, it was all Adam, our guitarist) shot and edited it all ourselves!
Okay, we can't take your begging any more! Here are tons of new photos already; see Gothic Apollo, Casbah rockin' Apollo, Red Vines Apollo, Tour Van Apollo, and more...
CityBeat decided to promote our cd release show...a year late. But we're not complaining, just setting the record straight! Yes! We have a cd called Homemade Time Machine. Yes! It's available at our next show. No! Our cd release is not on July 28, 2007. It was July 28, 2006. Yes! This is good news - our cd is actually cheaper now than it was then, so for everyone who is a year late, come get it at our next show.
We'll call it a re-release.
In more timely news, Adam joined some of our friends and participated in the 48 Hour Film Project this July, scoring the soundtrack for the team's "Sir Late-A-Lot" film which made it to the Best of 2007 in San Diego! Watch the 6 minute flick on YouTube.
We have a new music video! We're rapping! About taxes! Its all part of the
TurboTax "tax rap" contest, and we need your votes to win! CLICK
HERE to go watch our video and cast your vote! Do it NOW!
Did you see us at Morely Field or Wal-Mart this weekend? We were shooting
our newest video! You couldn't even guess what it was aboug if you tried,
so just check back here on April 1st to see for yourself.
We'll be embarking on a brief tour of California at the end of February. See if we're coming to a town near you!
Check out our latest cd review by Reviewer Magazine!
Our new music video is now available for your viewing pleasure! Choose your weapon: MySpace or YouTube.
Homemade Time Machine is now available for your purchasing pleasure online. We also just got our first cd review from Smother.com. Yay us!
Miracles happen every day. Today's miracle? Steve turned in his show reviews. Just for you. So go read them. Also, our new cd Homemade Time Machine is now available at M-Theory Records for your purchasing pleasure.
Tonight we had a fantastic CD Release show for our new album, Homemade Time Machine. Check back soon for pictures & our thoughts on the show. Thanks to everyone who came out to support us!
We luanced our new web site! Love it!
Also, this Thursday, 7/27/07, we'll be featured as the Member of the Day on FM 94.9. Tune in at 7pm to hear one of the songs off our new album, Homemade Time Machine. Thanks 94.9 & Tim Pyles!
The date has been set--> July 28th! That's the date of our new album, Homemade Time Machine will be unleashed onto the world.
We're having a CD Release Show that night to celebrate! Join us, and our friends Billy Midnight and Plural to celebrate the release of our new, kick-ass album.
So come to the show. Buy a copy of the CD. Love it. Love us. Because we love you.