
7-28-2006: Honey Bee Hive
w/ Plural and Billy Midnight

Finally finished the album, but we're not allowed to relax. We still have to release the damn thing. Let's turn the release into a celebration. A party. A CD Release party. And what better place to have the party than the Honey Bee Hive. The new Honey Bee Hive, with the new stage, for extra special rock star intimidation. We should invite our friends Plural and Billy Midnight to play with us. Let's decorate the place with our fancy printed balloons.  Let's bring newly-pressed copies of our new album, Homemade Time Machine, and our newly-created kick-ass t-shirts in three different flavors. And we definitely won't forget the all new "SA" logo lights on our amps and drums.


Holy shit we packed the place holy shit we rocked the joint HOLY SHIT IT'S SECRET APOLLO.

To everyone who came to the show, to everyone who bought a CD and/or  shirt, to everyone in Plural and Billy Midnight, to the Honey Bee Hive, and especially to Steve and Amber...THANK YOU.

= adam =

What's a party without decorations? What's a cd release show without cds? What's a band without the rock? Bad and lame. Good thing we remembered to bring our special Secret Apollo balloons, a couple hundred copies of "Homemade Time Machine" and the rock (it's like our American Express cards; we never leave home without it) to our cd release show.

There were lots of special things about the night. Too bad I only remember a few. Namely that we managed to get through our set with all the shots that were being sent to the stage. I'm not sure if it's good for us to know how much we can rock with that much alcohol in our systems. The crowd seemed adoring, our kick-ass tee-shirts were a hit (all mine sold out - I WIN!! In your faces Adam and Steve shirts!), we shreded our cover of "Hungry Like the Wolf", which if you know us at all, you know covers are super-duper rare, and lots of friends and strangers showed up. Thanks everyone for the support!


"You Wanted the Best, You Got the Best", "For Those About to Rock", "Glam Slam...something, something." What do these quotes all have in common? Well, they all describe our awesome CD release show. The Honey Bee Hive played host to our release party, and let's just say we were released. To quote David Lee Roth, "A Little Ain't Enough", and for this party we decided to see how much we could pull off. Hmmm... Balloons, T-Shirts, light shows, Go-Go Dancers... what didn't we have at this show??? It was a cool show, and lots of people came to enjoy us, or the other bands. If you weren't there, then you weren't there.